Our classes are hands-on "build it and create it" sessions using the pocket-sized microcontroller. It is simple to get started with, incredibly versatile, and awesomely powerful - perfect for physical computing activities for young people from the age of 8 & up.
STEM inventor level 1 Grade 1-3
In our exciting and fun classes, students will combine their creative and technical skills as they create emoticon displays, expand their knowledge to make games, send coded messages, and communicate with light and music.
STEM inventor level 2 Grade 4-6
•Using a range of physical computing elements, different inputs, LED output, and an accelerometer. Our students can create wearable technology to create a game and a quiz, manipulate lights, send coded messages using radio packets and Morse Code. In our fun and educationally engaging classes, students develop their creativity, engineering, and computing skills to become the creators of technology.
STEM inventor level 3 Grade 7-8
Combining their new skills with digital creativity to invent solutions to real-world problems. Collaboration, team-work, and problem-solving are brought to the fore to meet the fun invention challenges. With an animated pattern or fun scrolling message, it could be wearable technology one minute, or a data logging device for a field trip the next, or a digital pet you create yourself! It's time to become part of the maker movement!